Give me a tyrant over a Committee anytime Committees dilute quality. Just a fact!

- C. Bell

Dev Toolbar Test


Page/Site Status

Queries: 99 | Elapsed Time: 0.1788 | Memory Used: 4.35MB |


StaticChannel: single_pages
StaticChannelSlug: gp
CategoryChannel: {categorychannel}
CategoryChannelSlug: {categorychannelslug}
ListingChannel: {listingchannel}
ListingChannelSlug: {listingchannelslug}
Category: {category}
ThisCategoryName: {this_category_name}

Freebie Segments

Freebie Segment 1: dev-toolbar-test
Freebie Segment 2:
Freebie Segment 3:
Freebie Segment 4:

Native Segments

Segment 1: dev-toolbar-test
Segment 2:
Segment 3:
Segment 4:

Current URL

Last Segment: dev-toolbar-test

Structure Varaiables

The channel ID of a channel attached as a listing

The channel short name of a channel attached as a listing


Returns 1 or blank for the current page

Returns 1 or blank for the current page


The current page's "entry_id" variable

Dev Toolbar Test

The same as EE's native "title" variable


The segment for the current page


The same as EE's native "page_uri" variable

The same as EE's native "page_url" variable

Returns IDs of children for the current page.

Example: "24" or "4|8|5|16|23|42"


The entry ID of the current page's parent

The "title" variable of the current page's parent

The single segment of the URL/URI of the current page's parent

The full URI of the current page's parent

The full URL of the current page's parent


The entry ID of the current page's top level parent

Dev Toolbar Test

The "title" variable of the current page's top level parent


The single segment of the URL/URI of the current page's top level parent


The full URI of the current page's top level parent

The full URL of the current page's top level parent